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    Denmark Chiefs of State 2001
      Head of State Queen Margrethe II
      Prime Minister Rasmussen, Poul Nyrup
      Dep. Prime Min. Jelved, Marianne
      Min. of Culture Gerner Nielsen, Elsebeth
      Min. of Defense Troejborg, Jan
      Min. of Developmental Aid Bundegaard, Anita Bay
      Min. of Ecclesiastical Affairs Lebech, Johannes
      Min. of Economic Affairs & Nordic Cooperation Jelved, Marianne
      Min. of Education Margrethe, Vestager
      Min. of Environment & Energy Auken, Svend
      Min. of Finance Gjellerup, Pia
      Min. of Food, Agriculture, & Fisheries Bjerregaard, Ritt
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Lykketoft, Mogens
      Min. of Gender Equality Bundsgaard, Lotte
      Min. of Health Rolighed, Arne
      Min. of Housing & Urban Affairs Bundsgaard, Lotte
      Min. of Interior Jespersen, Karen
      Min. of Justice Jensen, Frank
      Min. of Labor Hygum, Ove
      Min. of Research & Information Technology Weiss, Birthe
      Min. of Social Affairs Kristensen, Henrik Dam
      Min. of Taxation Sorensen, Frode
      Min. of Trade & Industry Stavad, Ole
      Min. of Transportation & Communication Buksti, Jacob
      Governor, Central Bank Andersen, Bodil Nyboe
      Ambassador to the US Federspiel, Ulrik
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Loej, Ellen Margrethe

      NOTE: The information regarding Denmark on this page is re-published from the 2001 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Denmark Gov. Leaders 2001 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Denmark Gov. Leaders 2001 should be addressed to the CIA.

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